5 Actionable Tips On How To Earn From Google AdSense

Google AdSense has been a mainstay for numerous bloggers and website owners looking to monetize their web assets. Even if you are not a total newbie, finding your way in the labyrinths of this goldmine can pose a challenge if you want to milk this cash cow in the most advantageous manner. Also, just as every mine, this one has its own pitfalls and hidden corridors, which are to be avoided. If you pride yourself on your willingness to learn, let us help you find shortcuts to making more money off Google AdSense and securing long term monetization.

An Ideal Ad Size?

First of all, you can start by finding the best size for your ads, which often appear either too big or too small to a layman’s eye. Before you jump to conclusions that having bigger ads means having equally bigger chances at striking gold with AdSense, think again, as your wisest course of action in this case is going wild with experimenting.

Still, you may want to hear advice of the Big Boss Google itself, according to which wide-format ads usually perform better compared to their taller counterparts. The reason for this is an optical one, as the ability to read more text consistently without having to skip lines all too often makes these ads more reader-friendly.

Google also points to 160×600 wide skyscraper, 336×280 large rectangle and 300×250 medium rectangle -shaped banners as being the most efficient ones. In this manner, you have covered about 70% of ad impression formats on the global level, yet bearing in mind that the market features more than 15,000 differing ad sizes. All of this points to a need to keep an eye on general recommendations, while nurturing your willingness to experiment on a regular basis in order to ensure better click-through rates.

Quality Placement via Heat Maps:

Moving beyond ad size, the next most likely question to come to a website owner’s mind is the issue of positioning. This is important, as your ads are to be placed in the manner that will incite the visitors to click on an ad more frequently, while browsing and interacting with your content, thus garnering more clicks and driving better revenue.
First of all, your reliable ally in securing better CTR is the use of heat maps. The redder an analyzed section is, the more desirable it is for ad placement. Based on this, most bloggers agree that the best placement position is “above the fold”, with this term denoting the part of website which can be viewed without the need for the visitor to scroll down. According to this approach, placing ads close to the very top of the page makes it less likely that your readers will ignore them. At the same time, you need to keep in mind that Google can penalize sites with excessive top-placed ads, making it necessary to provide content in this section of the page as well.

Identifying High Paying Keywords:

As your income from AdSense will largely depend on the ads that your visitors click on, making sure they do it in case of high paying ads means a shorter wait on securing a stable revenue source. Since ads are shown according to the keywords related to the content, having high paying keywords is a means to secure equally high PPC.

Knowing that the most expensive keywords are related to insurance, loans, mortgage and the like, you may conclude that they are not related to your niche. Yet, despairing over this is pointless, as they are really difficult to rank for in any case, making it obligatory for you to identify keywords that are both related to your niche and easy to rank for.

In order to effect this, you need to avail yourself in keyword research tools such as SEMrush, Google KeyWord Planner, Ahrefs and others. They will help you in identifying targeted and high CPC keywords that sites rank for. Keywords are also important in the sense that they determine the type of ads that appear on your website.

 Targeting keywords means exerting a degree of control over securing placement of meaningful ads on your site. At the same time, having keyword density that Google deems as being too high can risks penalization, meaning that you need to exercise measure and caution with them.

Outsmarting Smart Pricing:

Smart Pricing scheme was originally introduced by Google in order to protect advertisers. According to it, they receive a discount based on the popularity or perceived value of your website. In essence, this is based on the sites’ click through ratio. Some consider this to be one of the reasons for having sites which are earning peanuts from ads, making it obligatory for you to try to avoid being “smart-priced” by Google.

One of the general suggestions to avoid this is to ensure consistency between ads and the content you produce. This goes hand in hand with considering the removal of some excess ads. Another method involves placing AdSense ads on older posts as a means to keep CTR at a desirable level. Similar effects can be achieved by displaying ads only to visitors who arrived at your site via a search engine.

Ensuring Ad Contextuality:

Finally, having quality content and treating it as its royal majesty is another fool-proof method of securing higher earnings from AdSense. No matter what placement or ad format strategy you may employ, your income is bound suffer with poorly targeted audience and content that is not aligned with the ads you prefer to be placed. Since AdSense advertisements are contextual, Google’s robots will always scan your content to determine its relevancy to the placement of ads. Provided that your website follows a consistent content creation strategy, chances are that displayed ads will have more relevancy to your audience as well. In turn, your visitors will be more likely to click on ads, thus earning you more money.


Looking for ways to monetize your virtual property usually ranks highly among web owners’ priorities. Even if you have other primary sources of income, generating extra revenue is always welcome. One of the most popular ways to achieve this is to work with Google AdSense, which, despite its simplicity, leaves enough room for optimization of its earning potential by application of some of the above described approaches. You will achieve best results by combining awareness of these methods with the willingness to experiment with all of them in the field.

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