What are the secrets of successful people?
You may have noticed successful people and how you think they put the law of manifestation into action. We can speculate - we think they might have gotten lucky - just "happened" to cross the right bridge at the right time. Or we might think they have an unconscious way of manifesting by using the power of attraction in their lives...
And we've all read "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne, and "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill, and we try meditating and trying our hardest to visualize our dreams into existence! But still... nothing.
So what's the missing piece? What is the missing secret behind the secret - those secrets of successful people?
There was a study done on the percentage of people who become millionaires, and how they do it. They took 1,500 people who "had the desire" to become a millionaire. Out of those 1,500, 443 dropped out early on, leaving 1,057 in the study. And, out of those people, only 83 (7.5%) actually became millionaires. That's really only 5.5% out of the original study.
So obviously, it takes much more than desire or even a "burning desire" as Napoleon Hill calls it.
They put that desire into action. The thing they don't horn in on much on books like "The Secret" is that your thoughts create your feelings, and your feelings cause you to take action. And it's that ACTION you take that makes the change in the circumstances around you. If you feel something strong enough, you have that burning desire to take action.
And, yeah, I know, book authors want to sell more books, so they don't want to focus too much on the hard stuff... the stuff you don't want to know.
But here's the good part about the real secrets of successful people...
It seems that all 83 of those millionaires had one thing in common...
They all were working in a field they felt deeply passionate about.
So, this DOES prove that the power of attraction does turn the law of manifestation into action, because those people who are truly successful are following their dreams. So in their minds, they're not working - they're playing! And, since we all would rather play than work, you can bet that they put more than 8 hours a day into that dream with intent to manifest.
But wait - there's more...
Many of us might believe that the millionaire status actually comes more from investing wisely the money you make and letting it breed more income. But the reverse was found! All 83 of the millionaires in the study received most of their income from actually working!
And you might be thinking "they're lucky they had a passion - I'm doomed because I just don't have a passion like they do"...
Here's a trick to find out what YOU are passionate about...
List all the people you know who you really admire, and then list the qualities of those people. You'll find that most of these people have similar qualities. Are they all musicians? Are they all personal development coaches? Pay attention to the qualities in others that you really admire, because it's actually impossible for you to admire those qualities without possessing that same passion within yourself.
What I really love about this study of the secrets of successful people is that they don't seem to be competitive. They only live their dream and strive for perfection in themselves. If anything, people who are really successful are more cooperative with others than competitive.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9042316