What's Better for Our Economy, Small Business or Corporations - Why Choose?

One thing intriguing about joining the ranks of intellectuals is that you always have intriguing dialogue to pursue, thoughts to consider and well, in my case running a think tank it surely keeps my mind humming along. But, today, I'd like to talk to you about a recent conversation something we've heard a lot about - small business, corporations and jobs - basically some of the foundational bricks of our economy.

Not long ago, Jared Kent and I were having an interesting discourse on this topic, and eventually he simply stated; "Okay maybe corporations in their essence are just fine," indicating that they were not perfect, but considering, they aren't so bad really. Yes, let's talk shall we?

Corporations are persons under the law, and no person I've met was perfectly fine, even Jesus was a bit of a socialist from what I have read. One problem of corporations is the restrictions placed upon them, another is the groupthink leadership, but then again Heaven probably has a committee to see who gets in, while hell allows all-comers, which is much more inclusive and fair! Ha ha ah ha ha. The Devil made me say it?

Jared reminded me of his stance on this issue stating; "I tend to lean more towards small and local business, small and local government, and small and local investment. Of course big business and money is needed for big innovation much of the time."

Okay so, I say let the best deliverer of products and services win, no advantage given by government to any one group, the market will weed out the weak, competition prevails, and everyone wins, that's free-markets, that is what's needed. Companies that grow organically by serving the needs of the user, or customer deserve to win. We should let them prevail when they do, companies that don't should be allowed to fail. There are great rewards in free-markets so there should be big responsibilities too.

Are people who seek wealth bad? Are corporations that seek profits evil? Certainly not, consider this; essentially, this is the goal of a free-market economy, when you desire to get more, you have to give to society more of what it wants to grow your business to get more, and in doing so you are then again giving more. Those of wealth who have done that are not evil, they have given us everything we see, everywhere we go, it is like the truck drivers say; everything you have was bought by truck, somewhere along its journey.

Small Businesses deliver goods and services, Corporations deliver goods and services, therefore they are both inherently good, why should we choose, the more entities that deliver all we need, want and desire, the better for our vibrant economic future. Please consider all this and think on it.

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